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Moon Juice: Poems for Children

Kate Wakeling, Elina Braslina

Moon Juice: Poems for Children


  • Barddoniaeth. Rhigwm, rhythm a rap

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Meet Skig, who’s meant to be a warrior (but is really more of a worrier). Meet a giddy comet, skidding across the sky with her tail on fire. Put a marvellous new machine in your pocket and maybe you’ll be able to fix all your life’s problems. Kate Wakeling’s first book of poems for children is full of curious characters and strange situations. The poems she writes are always musical, sometimes magical, and full of wonder at the weirdness of the world. Moon Juice contains 25 poems and features bonus materials, including interviews with the author and the illustrator, and ideas for writing your own poems.

Gwybodaeth i oedolion

Parth Ysgol

Ewch i’n Parth Ysgol i gael adnoddau am ddim a syniadau Sialens ar gyfer eich dosbarth

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Parth Cartref

Ewch i’n Parth Cartref, sy’n llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni, nain a thaid/mam-gu a thad-cu, a gofalwyr.

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Parth Llyfrgell

Ewch i’n Parth Llyfrgell i ddod o hyd i lyfrgelloedd yn eich ymyl chi sy’n rhedeg y Sialens.

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