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The King's Revenge

Philip Womack

The King's Revenge


  • Byd Ffantasi. Anturiaethau o hud a dirgelwch

Average rating

3 out 5

Final book in The Darkening Path trilogy, the thrilling culmination of Womack's acclaimed fantasy adventure. The mission to steal back their siblings from the Broken King is successful but the King has set a trap for Simon and Flora who are now unable to return home.

Gwybodaeth i oedolion

Parth Ysgol

Ewch i’n Parth Ysgol i gael adnoddau am ddim a syniadau Sialens ar gyfer eich dosbarth

Darllenwch fwy

Parth Cartref

Ewch i’n Parth Cartref, sy’n llawn gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni, nain a thaid/mam-gu a thad-cu, a gofalwyr.

Darllenwch fwy

Parth Llyfrgell

Ewch i’n Parth Llyfrgell i ddod o hyd i lyfrgelloedd yn eich ymyl chi sy’n rhedeg y Sialens.

Darllenwch fwy